Ahhh. Blog this, blog that. "Do you blog?" Well now I do. What's the big blogging deal anyway? Does no one care for old fashioned conversation anymore? I'll give this a shot for ONE month. If I find it's just not doing it..... well then I don't know what. I'll pull the plug on the whole blogging operation, I guess. Don't even get me started on how I can pretty up the visualizations to the crafty standards of blogger enthusiests. (If anyone want's to render their services and do it for me!!! Since I don't know how.) I hate writting. I'm horrible with grammar/spelling. I'm picky and edit, edit, delete, rewrite, edit to the point of insanity. (Seriously. This post will never read the same way twice, and it's only my first one.) I can't master writting rhetoric. I hate professing to the world how oh-so-fantastic my life is. I don't have any deep philisopical views or humor to contribute to the seeking reader. So why, you may ask, am I succumbing to this virtual snare? I have no idea. I really am fascinated by the different purposes and just want to research what my own aim is, I guess. Will it be fun and productive? Or will I just go OCD? Therefore I've set the aforementioned one month trial camp to find out. Operation 'Why Blog' is now on the go, and you my covert viewers, will have to be what decides it. So, please, all comments welcome!! For now the answer to the 'why' do this, is pending..... see back on April 21st, 1:00 a.m. (yes a.m. I will always be a night owl) for the answer.
Answer me this: Is the objective of blogging more for reading/writting interest, accomplishment exhibitions, or for cyber scrapbooking? A little of all, maybe?